The ossec-makelists
utility to compile cdb databases.
will scan ossec.conf for database files, check the mtime, and recompile all out of date databases.
See CDB List lookups from within Rules for more information.
¶Run with configuration file of <config>.
Default /var/ossec/etc/ossec.conf
¶Execute ossec-makelists in debug mode. This option can be used multiple times to increase the verbosity of the debug messages.
¶Force the rebuild of all configured databases.
¶Run as <group>.
¶Display the help message.
¶Test the configuration.
¶Run as <user>.
¶Display the version and license information.
# /var/ossec/bin/ossec-makelists
* File lists/blocked.txt.cdb need to be updated
# /var/ossec/bin/ossec-makelists
* File lists/blocked.txt.cdb does not need to be compiled